January 26, 2011

When one is not enough

I'm not quite so sure how it all began, but I now have 4 sewing projects going on at the same time and thinking of several others to start as well.  What was I thinking, or what am I thinking!  I think my crafty zing has temporarily taken over reality.  I have one quilt that is so close to being finished that I can taste it, but intead of finishing it up (on time) I decided to start on another that involves cutting and sewing what feels like a million little triangles.  Then if that wasn't enough, I had this beautiful fabric show up and couldn't wait to dive right into the project I had intentioned for it.  So, yes, that makes 3 quilts in process.  When I'm going to get them done is another story, but all the peices are cut and ready to go.
Reminder to self: take picture before using!
Now, because apparently 3 quilts isn't keeping me busy enough, I decided to conquer another to-do item that has been lingering for months.  Not that it was any kind of emergency, but the zing hit again last night and I just felt it HAD to be done right that instant.  So, last night I was feverishly cutting up this adorable older Amy Butler fabric that I have had stashed for months just for this project.  I'm using it to to spice up my kitchen with some fun matching dishtowels and matching potholders.  Orange and teal are good, fun kitchen colors, right?

Well, off to finish up at least one of these projects, or at the rate that I'm going maybe start another!

January 23, 2011

Family Bonding

Does your family have a favorite gathering food?  You know, that special something that is only made when the family gets together.  A food that by having it without family by your side just isn't as special or somehow doesn't taste the same?  Well, this is a special dedicated post to just that type of special food. 

For my family it's Monkey Bread.  Yes, that's right, the sweet, sugary, don't-count-the-calories, oh so yummy Monkey Bread.  But its just not any kind of Monkey Bread, its one that is specially made by my one and only, the Monkey Bread master, Sister.  Oh, if only I could capture the ensuing chaos that erupts when the Monkey Bread container is spotted en route through the front door.  (I can almost guarantee there will never be pictures of this as we are all making a mad dash for that container holding our treasure!)  It is the first thing requested whenever plans are made to get together with the family and it is the first thing devoured. There is just something special about its sugary goodness, beyond the finger lickin, tummy satisfying sweetness.

What I have come to realize over the years, is that its not the sugary sweetness or the smell that makes it so  dive-through-the-door, push-your-brother-out-of-the-way kind of special.  It is the attention and great love that goes into making Monkey Bread and the memories made of family gatherings that make it special.  Don't get me wrong, this stuff is good, but there is certainly more to it than just taste here.   There are so many good memories of being the first to grab a hot, gooey piece or being the one to sneak in that last bite!  There have been burned fingers, but luckily no broken bones or black eyes (yet)! 

Do you have a family bonding food?  I would love to hear about it. 

January 18, 2011

Joy in getting older

Who could really ask for more.  Some spectacular clearance rack clothes shopping and, yes, some Amy Butler Soul Blossoms delivered to the door, colliding on the same incredible day, my Birthday!  Feeling like a pretty lucky gal.  Not only did I have a great shopping spree, I received a lot of love from my family and friends.  Oh and not to mention an enormous amount of cake.  My husbands birthday was yesterday, so call it luck or call it love handles, we have had our fair share of desserts the last few days! 

I just want to take a moment to say thank you for all those out there who read my blog.  I certainly appreciate it and feel so lucky to have found such a supportive community.  It really is amazing how open arms the blog community is.  Thank you thank you for stopping by (and coming back)!

Now off to finish out the day with some Despicable Me and of course more cake!

January 14, 2011

Weak Moment

I have been drooling over this book for quite some time (from this awesome blogger); since it went on pre-order.  It sat in my Amazon shopping cart for the longest time, just sitting and waiting for that one weak moment when the checkout tab was selected.  I mean, the cover of the book alone makes you want to gobble this book up, seriously look at those colors.  Don't they just scream "Make Me!".  Well, that weak moment came and now this precious book resides in my home.  My instant intinct is to sit right down and leaf through it, but I know it deserves more attention, so this weekend I will enjoy a little quiet time and decide which quilt to start with. 

I'll let you know how it goes!

January 10, 2011

Scrappy Project

Little pieces of fabric can pack quite the punch.  Having saved as many scraps of fabric as possible from the recent recent quilts, I just knew that something good could come of them.  This project started out without a finished project in mind.  The fabric just kept getting sewed together, around and around.  Then it dawned on me, why not make a vibrant sewing machine cover.  After all, after all those quilts my poor little machine deserves some pampering! 

There you have it a scrappy sewing machine cover.


January 8, 2011

Rewind and Refresh

2010 brought many great things.  It was the year I started sewing again, which initiated my hand at blogging. Miss Mango graduated from doggy training, all 3 levels!  Many adventures with family and friends.  Settled into our new home city and did one whole week straight of working out!  (Yes, that is quite an accomplishement for me!)  I'm sure there are many more milestones achieved last year, but its time to think forward to 2011. 

Its also time to be realistic and admit to failures so that I can strive to do better this year - yes, like work out for say 2 weeks!  haha  But for real, my sewing adventures turned out better than expected (oh wait until I show you some pics) as I completed more projects than I have ever completed in a year.  So, for 2011 I have a longer list of projects to begin (and finish) including more quilts.  To go along with that I really want to do more free motion quilting, its just so much fun and just "freeing", if that makes sense. 

Now, for those failures.  Blogging.  I am just amazed at how the many many bloggers out there make it look so easy and effortless.  But let me tell you, I have great respect for those that are able to keep up on a regular basis.  Blogging has been my funk spot.  I would love to hear how you are able to balance the whole working on a project and blogging balance.

Ok, and to show that I haven't been completely slacking on the sewing front, here are some picutres of quilts that I worked on for Christmas presents this year for my neices and nephews.  I was really excited about them and as goes with quilts, spent days on them.  Of course, as goes with me, I didn't start them until about 3 weeks before Christmas ~ did I mention, my goal is to work on Christmas projects in July this year!

Enjoy the pics!

My little helper with Quilt #1 (quilt top)

Finished quilt #1 (top)

Finished quilt #1 (back)
Quilt #2 (looks like I needed help with this one too)

Finished quilt #2

Quilt #3 (top) - I have a very committed helper!

Finished quilt #3

Looks like it's a winner!

Finished quilt #4

From the looks of the pictures, I still need to work on taking pictures of the backs of the quilts! 

Wishing you all the best for 2011.