June 1, 2010

Its a Zipper, a Zippered pouch that is

I was on the home stretch.  That last 6 inches of topstitching and the needle breaks.  Uhggg.  My poor machine has really been working overtime this last week as I was finishing up a birthday gift, so I'm sure it was just looking for an opportunity to wind down.  Thankfully I was just finishing up a project for the home and not the gift!  By the way, I can't wait to share the "gift" with you as I'm pretty proud of it.  But, as I still need to get it off in the mail, I can't share until I know its safe and sound in the hands of my little neice.

In any event, the needle breaking gave me time to remember that I was supposed to post pics of my zippered pouch project.  This was another proud moment as I've never really tackled a zipper (successfully anyway) before.  My mom passed down the zipper fear gene so I've always opted for non-zipper closers.  But onto new challenges, new resolutions. 

This project was found over at Skip to my Lou.  The first pouch I made I made it per the instructions (see I really can follow instructions!).   See the picture above, thats the first go at the zipper pouch - not too shabby ey!  I was happy and I didn't even have to use the seam ripper, wooohooo!  Sorry, I get a little excited when the seam ripper gets to stay locked inside its little pouch during a project.  Also a good tell that the tutorial was great.

I really like the size and overall look of the pouch so I thought I would make another for a birthday gift (for a friend this time around).  However, this time I thought I would bend the instructions a little bit and add some structure.  So, I added some medium weight interfacing to the exterior fabric.  I also added a pocket big enough to hold a credit card or driver's license on the inside.   I don't know about you, but I loved how it turned out (see below).  It had structure and really allowed the pleats to show off a little bit. 

Hopefully the package will be sent off to my lil neice (wish me luck) and I'll be able to share with you my first...oops can't tell you yet! 



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